Coll. Dates (mm/dd/yyyy) |
August 20, 2011 |
August 26, 2011 |
September 17, 2011 |
Locality & GPS coords |
Sycamore Canyon, Santa Cruz, AZ |
Copper Canyon, Cochise Canyon, AZ |
Brown Canyon, Pima County, AZ |
Elevation (ft) |
Habitat |
Host Plant |
Mimosa dysocarpa |
Mimosa sp. |
Collector(s) |
Field observations:
September 17, 2011 |
(Brown Canyon, Baboquivara Mts., Pima Co., AZ)- Lycaenid larvae nearby with tending ants. Zygaenid larvae, similar in morphology, may be receiving biological protection from ants as well. |
Lycaenids possibly gain from the nearby Zyganid based on the Zyganid's chemical protection (may sequester its own compounds being on Mimosa) |
Ecology Notes:
September 17, 2011 |
(Brown Canyon, Baboquivara Mts., Pima Co., AZ) - received little or no precipitation for 2011, host plant in poor condition, few larvae found. |
Brown Canyon, Baboquivara Mts., Pima Co., AZ) |
Mimosa sp. (Baboquivara Mts., Pima Co., AZ) |
Voucher No. |
JLB2011; JLB2011 |
Note: 50+ early to mid stage larvae donated to Dave Wagner/UConn - rearing results unknown (August 2011-Copper Canyon, Cochise County, AZ) |
Found as |
Food plant used |
host from habitat |
Voucher fate |
pinned adult, eclosion July 1, 2012 |
pinned adult, eclosion July 23, 2012 / 9am |
Number of days (1st-Ultimate instar) |
Number of days (prepupa) |
Number of days (pupa to eclosion) |
9 months (pupation period in lab) |
Morphology Notes:
Ovum: |
Larvae: |
Pupa: |
Cocoon: |
semi-ovoid |
Adult: |
Behavior notes:
Ovum: |
N/A |
Larvae: |
Pupa: |
pupation occurred instead of entering feeding diapause |
Cocoon: |
Adult: |
in lab the adults eclosed due to photo period and/or temperature. No humidity was applied to trigger eclosion. |
Parasitoids (yes/no) |
Para. lep voucher: |
Para. species: |
Para. voucher #: |
Larva |
Ultimate stage |
Larva |
Ultimate stage |
Pupa |
Pupa, post diapause and developing |
Cocoon |
![]() |
details |
Adult |
Adult |